And a few disks too.
While I was dead on sofa Martin did some mixing work and I joined him to complete it.
By the way this was my EQ reference Erecognise the classic?
Dan preparing the master tape for final mixes.
While Martin did lots of track re-recording for recall I got bored - so I decided to distract him and Dan with my mobile video.
Distracting Martin (15 sec)
Distracting Dan 1 (15 sec)
Distracting Dan 2 (15 sec)
There are a few clips with myself in too but I was having a bad hair day so... :)
I think the recordings sound very tight and powerful, like full of life. I think we captured the spirit of live recording! Sunny CurveEis about missing a friend and to me the ending sounded so powerful with guitars entwining each other and stuff it almost made me cry! The poppy Everyday', I think, sounds ever so sharp with emotive vocals. It was hard work, very tiring of course, but a great experience and thoroughly enjoyable - I was happy.