'Crystallize' and 'Platinum' are now available from www.amazon.co.uk (other items will be available from next Feb). If you can pay by PayPal or UK cheque, ordering from this site is still the cheapest!
Mayumi's November diary Is this a long song? - the story behind 'Snowflake Beach' is up.
An application for a copyright/manufacturing licence has now been submitted for the new release (a formality every record label has to do everytime the records are pressed).The new single will be called 'Myriad Luminescent' and the planned release date is 15 Feb 06. The tracks are 1. Myriad Luminescent(Platinum)*formerly called Platinum2*, 2. Careless (Shields My Eyes), 3. Snowflake Beach (Cosmic version).
Finally mp3 samples are available online! The samples for new release will be available from Jan 06. Mayumi has finished designing the CD artwork. This will be in the hand of the professional to be converted into the templates.
Yesterday Mayumi was back in the studio to remix 'Snowflake Beach'. All the recordings have now been taken to a post production studio to be compiled for manufacturing.
Mayumi's October diary Recording in gaffer tape...the making of the 2 comeback EPs is up.
Mayumi was back in the studio with a new engineer yesterday and recorded 'Platinum2'("it might just be the best thing I've ever heard -Mayumi") and remixed 'Only A Dream'. The details of the recording will be featured in the new Mayumi's Monthly Diary . Her next project is having promo photos taken and designing the CD sleeve. The old and forthcoming CDs will also be available at www.amazon.co.uk soon.
As suggested before, the original plan to release a 2track single in Nov has been ditched due to 'promotional strategy'. There will be 2EP releases first of which will be out in Feb 06.
Mayumi got money back from the studio where the house engineer left her with 2 distorted masters. Neither the engineer nor the Studio Manager made response for 5 weeks when....she threatened them with a court action and public exposure......:)
Mayumi will be recording 'Platinum 2', a reworking of her debut single 'Platinum'. "It didn't get the exposure it deserved first time round but I think it's a good song and I want to hear it again on the radio." (Mayumi). She will be releasing 2EPs with at least 3 songs each and 'Platinum 2' will be the title track for the second EP. She is currently looking for a good engineer to work with.
The recording for the new release is now complete. The tracks are "Only A Dream", "Snowflake Beach", "Careless", "Myriad Luminescent", "Snowflake Beach2 (Cosmic version)". These were originally planned for a 4 track EP but it is thought that the tracks will be split in 2 singles.
Yesterday Mayumi recorded 2 of the 4 planned tracks at a studio in London.
'I don't eat while I record so the next day I'm a zombie' (Mayumi).
'She came and laid down 8 guitar tracks in 1 take. The first person to have done that' (the house engineer)
Added Biography
Mayumi will be in the studio in July to record a single.
'I'm not keen on the sound of hard disk recording and editing so I'm doing analogue recording. I have asked the engineer to use faders and not to touch computer....In the end it will be a CD, but I will try to keep things as analogue and live as possible. So right now I'm rehearsing like mad!'
Press Release
Mail Order
Added a
review from 'The Original Sin'
Added a
review from'Romantic Outsider'
Added the new address for Pale Blue Records
Added an interview with
The Original Sin
Discography section
Mayumi's new CD is out now,with 4 tracks, 'Unknown Chain', 'Reverberate', 'Daze Me' and 'Slow Pulsation'. There have been some changes in the label and this CD will be available by mail order only. There will be no promotion for this release.......
I have also added some bits to Discography section
Added Mayumi's Comments
Added a 'rave review' from The Original Sin.
Added a review of Endless from a German magazine AUF ABWEGEN(translation by a frined...).
Added"Discography" section.
Mayumi finished recording. She will now concentrate on rehearsing for future gigs, but wishes to be doing some more writing and recording.